Information blog for hot springs, etc.

Information blog for hot springs, etc.

Kusatsu Onsen


“Kusatsu Onsen” is an old name, but it was once known as “Kusatsu-yu / Kusatsu-no-yu [* 1]


 or another name from Ueno. Often referred to as “Joshu Kusatsu-yu / Joshu Kusatsu-no-yu” with “Joshu”. Even today, the nicknames “Kusatsu-no-yu” and “Joshu-Kusatsu-no-yu” are used frequently. The name “Joshu Kusatsu Onsen” is now used, but in addition to its nuances, this expression is confused with other areas such as “Kusatsu” and “Kusatsu Onsen” (* In some cases) (see section “Kusatsu no no Kusatsu”).


The name of the place “Kusatsu” in this area is said to be “odorous water” because of the strong hydrogen sulfide odor of hot springs [2] [3] [4] . There is also a theory called odor [4]. The origin of Kusatsuyama Kosenji is said to have originated from the section “Nankata Famous Yuzen Kusatsu-yu”, a section of “Daikan Wakaba Rami Takkei” (commonly known as Daikan Wakakei) [5] [3] Hannya has no such verse [6] and is popular. There is a story about the hot spring that came out after mowing the grass when Gen Yorino visited this area [7].


The reason why Kusatsu Onsen is sung as “Kusazu Good Spring Hot Spring (Ideyu)” on the “Ku” tag of Kamigami Karuta is that “Kusazu” means “Kusazu”. It is read that there is a theory that the place name today is derived from the fact that it was called “kusozu” because of the strong hydrogen sulfide odor of hot spring water 











